资产绩效管理(APM) -成功的策略
资产绩效管理(APM) systems are digital tools that can help asset-intensive industries improve equipment reliability and integrity and reduce operating costs. 然而, 当组织实施APM系统时, 他们经常面临在实践中证明其价值的挑战.
Our asset health engineers and consultants can help you deploy a new APM implementation or optimise an existing system to increase your asset performance and business results measurably.
结合人的关键因素, 工艺和技术, 我们将您的APM计划与您的资产管理目标结合起来,并衡量您的进度.
我们的证明, phased approach for APM success is backed by successful implementation experience and industry recognition.
独立的研究和咨询公司 调研公司Verdantix已经 named Wood a leader in digital for its asset management technology implementation services在10个竞争对手中,总分最高.
当你和我们联手时, 你会得到持久的, transforming solution that matches your technology needs and boosts your operations and 文化. 让我们帮助您从APM投资中获得最大收益.
当组织实施资产绩效管理(APM)系统时, 他们希望看到快速和切实的好处. 然而, while technology plays an important role, it's only one part of the overall solution. 其他常见的挑战包括缺乏APM主题方面的专业知识, 抗拒改变, 数据和集成挑战, 预算有限.
“Merely implementing APM software and digitizing existing processes is not likely to improve core operations and obtain the financial results that executive leaders desire (and investors demand).”
Deloitte 的见解: 资产绩效管理: Driving value beyond predictive maintenance
“94% [...会使用第三方顾问[...] to support the development of their vision and strategy for asset maintenance management digitization, while 56% said they would use consultants for predictive maintenance software implementation….
随着对支持资产管理和战略目标的专业知识的需求不断增长, 企业正转向系统集成商和数字服务提供商。”
Verdantix survey; Green Quadrant: 资产绩效管理 解决方案 2022
A sustainable APM system requires more than just technical proficiency; a deep understanding of your organisation's people and processes is also essential to achieving lasting success.
因为我们已经克服了类似的问题, 我们可以为您提供APM实施路线图, and analyse and optimise your existing APM system with a unique understanding and perspective.
We have implemented and used many of the industry-leading APM software packages for global clients and in our own operations, 包括AVEVA, 通用电气数字, 宾利系统, 阿斯彭, 米斯特拉斯和霍尼韦尔.
Our comprehensive framework ensures that you not only get the right digital solution but also one that aligns with your unique processes and 文化.
Our phased approach and subject matter expertise will guide you through the APM optimisation process.
APM程序所提供的价值应加以衡量, 跟踪, 并不断完善,以确保人民的可持续性, 形成它的过程和技术.
对变革的抵制是真实存在的. 我们强调清晰的沟通, 鼓励合作和反馈, and offer APM training and support to familiarise stakeholders with new 工艺和技术.
调研公司Verdantix已经 认可Wood是领先的系统集成商和数字服务提供商 依托世界一流的资产绩效管理咨询能力;
我们提供行业领先的培训能力, 数据框架, 实施技术咨询, 产品开发和优化, 以及系统部署服务. 我们的可交付成果包括成熟度评估, 文化变革管理, APM业务案例开发和APM最佳实践框架.
我们在诚信基础学科的全球领域专业知识, reliability and operational assurance allows us to provide practical support to any asset performance management implementation.
在短暂的, 客户管理的参与和承诺, 工厂/公司资源不可用, 客户期望与实现的解决方案不同, misalignment of what business needs and what engineers and mid management need from APM/AM/OE, absense of strong APM/AM stakeholder or team with the vision (usually higher management level). 其他风险包括:不愿改变, 客户主体缺乏经验或技能,甚至缺乏知识.
实施资产绩效管理(APM)的主要挑战, 资产管理(AM), 或卓越运营(OE)包括:
我们是一家与全球合作伙伴关系的供应商无关的公司. 我们与您合作,为您的组织找到最佳的软件解决方案. 用于操作和维护, 伍德有劳动力, 咨询服务, 以及实现APM的能力, 包括我们自己的工具来加速这个过程.
文化方面的因素可能很难说服高层管理人员. A successful approach is to present a business case that combines both financial and cultural values, 或者提出一个强有力的主张, 选择合适的时机, 有效沟通.
A Maturity Assessment can also be helpful in showing that success depends on improving not only uptime and cost, 还有与人有关的因素,比如支持度, 领导, 文化, 和护理.
APM可以在任何组织级别建立. 数据访问始终是APM成功的关键. 最初, some organisations used CMMS (Computerised Maintenance Management System) data for visualising their APM program. Some organisations focus only on Asset Integrity processes and have been successful with their processes, 方法, 和人民. 传感器和数字化阶段可以稍后添加.
The APM approach for spares management and optimisation considers factors such as failure probability, 临界, 风险, 交货期, 并以数量确定最佳库存水平. Lead times take into account the location of the spare parts (warehouse or vendor site) and the delivery time to the process plant.
A sustainable APM system requires more than just technical proficiency but also a deep understanding people and processes.
We have implemented and used many of the industry-leading APM software packages for our global clients and in our own operations. 我们的框架, digitalisation experience and asset health subject matter expertise will guide you through the APM optimisation process.